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JobReady has 6000+ pre-built Skillsoft courses covering Business Skills, Leadership and Management, IT Skills, Software Development, Professional Certifications and Office Productivity Tools.  The Aspire Learning Journeys provide pathways to modern technology careers ranging from data scientist to machine language architect and more.

Skillsoft Basics

Skillsoft Basics


The header is a quick access to all your needs -- you can reference the the homepage, learning plan, library, profile and other content. We will cover all these topics and more below. Depending on your product plan certain content might not be available.



To access the Skillsoft homepage, simply select the logo in the top left corner. The homepage holds your recently viewed products and recommended products.


Learning Plan

The Learning Plan contains all of the products you have access to.


Click the Enroll button if you’re interested in taking a course and then click the title of the product to access it.



When selecting library in the header, you are given nine categories to chose from. For example, when you select Business Skills, you will be directed to a page that highlights featured courses. On the left hand side of the page, you can pick from a range of categories to narrow your search. On this page, courses provide the expertise level and estimated time.



Typing in the search prompt will provide options associated with the words you have provided. Once you select a search prompt, you will be taken to a page that populates related courses. You are offered the option for advance search filters by subject and content types, like expertise level.



Dropdown Menu

The dropdown menu has an image above that can be edited to add a picture of your liking. When selecting the menu you can access the following:

  • My Profile page to edit personal info and profile image

  • Learning Transcript for your current progress

  • Help page for more information on skillsoft

  • logout button


Web Accessibility

If you use an assistive technology such as screen reader software, you can enable Web Accessibility so that the Skillport can be read by the screen reader. (Internet Explorer browsers only)


To enable Web Accessibility

  • On the Skillport sign in page, select the Enable Web Accessibility check box prior to signing into Skillport.

  • If you are already logged in, you can Enable Web Accessibility by checking the box in the top right of the Skillport Header.

Accessing your products

Accessing your products

Launch Product

When launching your product, where you land depends on the type of product you have. If your product has access to several learning pathways, you will be redirected to the learning path plan page which is shown in the top left corner. If your product has access to one specific pathway, you will be directly linked to it -- like the one shown in the top right corner.


Course Page

On the course page, you will see the table contents and Information about the course. You can start the course by selecting the launch button, or by selecting one of titles in the table of contents. 


Course Player

When you launch a course a popup video player come up. Simply press play to start. The left hand side holds important information like completion status, table of contents, course test, and other resources. At the end of each course there is usually an assessment test.


Restricted Access

In the event you got this message it means you don’t have access to the product. Select the learning plan in the header to find the learning paths you have access to.


Thats It!

For more Information check out Skillsoft's full Help Center

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 100 Canal Pointe Blvd. Suite 123, Princeton, NJ 08540 | © 2022 LearningMate. All rights reserved. 
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