Getting Started
Welcome to JobReady!
Gain access to a wealth of affordable learning pathways
Access your Skills with MyInnerGenius
Get matched with a career path using a science-based, unbiased approach to assess cognitive skills, abilities and personality traits to:
Improve training outcomes
Increase career placements
Increase job satisfaction
Launch your Product
Clicking “Launch Product” button will launch you to your product native learning environment
Monitor your Progress
Selecting the “My Progress” button under the main drop menu will take you to a page that shows pathways you’re working on and the necessary course needed to complete to earn your badge.
Learning with a Community
Use one of JobReady's forums to access questions about your career and the courses you're taking. You can find this under your drop down menu.
That's it!
If you have any more please check out the help page on your dropdown menu or reach out to our support team