JobReady for Community Colleges

Skills Certificates for Top Jobs
JobReady has curated rapid-cycle online skills courses from Skillsoft and Harvard Business Publishing aligned with 41 of the top 50 most in-demand jobs in the US, according to Glassdoor.

Continuing Education
JobReady's Skillsoft library offers turnkey courses that award Continuing Ed Units (CEUs) from leading associations such as CompTIA, SHRM, PMI and others.
Through George Mason University, learners receive non-credit CEU certificates for each 10 hours of Skillsoft coursework.
JobReady enables you to offer your own version of this, and issue digital certificates through Credly.
Workforce Certifications
Learners are increasingly seeking rapid-cycle skilling that yields credentials that will land them a job.
JobReady offers over 40 certification pathways, including 10 of the top 15 most in-demand IT certifications. We allow you to optionally bundle online prep courses with certification exam vouchers for one low price.

Academic Credits for JobReady Skills
Prospective students can transition their way into your degree programs, and new and existing students can obtain transferable degree credits for taking courses through JobReady's Skillsoft library. It offers 40 courses eligible for ACE Transfer Credit right now, without your needing to do anything to make these courses credit eligible.
As far as prior learning credit, you can also take the lead from Drexel University, which issues 1 academic credit per 10 hours of training.
More from JobReady:
Career Guidance, Enrollment Marketing
JobReady recognizes that adding offerings to your catalog is just the beginning.
If you need help finding adult learners to take advantage of your offerings, JobReady's enrollment marketing partners can help you find, target and enroll adult learners. We can do it with you (enabling services) or for you (outsourced services).
To help students discover which pathways are right for them, JobReady offers MyInnerGenius, an award-winning automated career guidance tool that assesses critical skills and matching job seekers to jobs they will love and succeed in.