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JobReady for Texas Community Colleges

COVID has revealed a crisis in skills training that meets the needs of Texas.

How do colleges rapidly launch a scalable, turnkey online skills programs?

JobReady's revolutionary partnership with the Texas Community College Teachers Association offers the solution. 

Video-centric, modular courses. High-quality, industry-recognized content.

Our courses are from the world leaders in corporate learning: Skillsoft, 180 Skills and Harvard Business Publishing provide you with libraries that range from tech jobs to hands-on skills, from entry-level to leadership development.  Our courses are video-rich modules that can be consumed a few minutes at a time, whether on-demand or embedded in instructor-led courses.  All courses have integrated assessments to verify learning and confirm comprehension.  We provide you real-time reports on course completion (for compliance with grant reporting, e.g.), and we issue Credly badges for each completed pathway.  Learn more about our course solutions here.


Affordable -- for you and your students

JobReady's mission is to make skills training affordable for learners, and to enable the organizations that reach them directly to get started without significant cash outlays.  


Aligned to in-demand occupations

All of our courses are aligned with today's top jobs, which you can tailor to the targeted occupations in your region.

Enabling a wide range of programs

Our clients are using JobReady courses for Adult Education, Workforce partnerships, corporate partner programs and more.

School-branded online catalog

We can get you started in days through our partnership with e-commerce catalog provider JourneyEd.  Take a look at what Aims Community College of Colorado has done.

Configurable and customizable courses and credentials

We have packaged everything for you to get going right away, but if you want to change the offering -- a little or a lot -- we will partner with you to meet your 

Next-generation Adult Education marketing

Via our partner, CollegeAPP, you have affordable access to highly-targeted lists of adult learners in your area who have been scored for their likelihood to purchase online adult education (if you're not sure you need this, just ask your marketing person -- they'll love you for it!)

TCCTA interviews NCTC about JobReady 

Jessica Carlile,

North Central Texas College


Richard Moore,


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